Monday, February 3, 2020

How to Make Citric Acid with Pictures

During this time, you should drink plenty of water and eat plenty of ice. Filter the citric acid solution to get rid of any solids then let it cool in a bowl. Using a coffee filter, pour this opaque solution through a filter into a glass bowl.

how to make acid tabs at home

Most people prefer it as a cleaning and disinfectant solution for various surfaces and fixtures. Since ammonium hydroxide is not harmful to the human skin, it also functions as an insect bite solution. Home cleaning powders are bases and cannot be consumed and in food preparation because of their strong nature. Examples of base cleaning powders include detergent powders, bathroom cleansers and bleaches.

😇 5. Have a trusted, sober guide who is experienced in supporting psychedelic sessions

The dosage of these drugs depends on your own needs. They are not recommended for those with severe medical conditions. The amount of LSD in the tabs will depend on your body’s response to the drug.

LSD, which is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen, is a popular option for use in gel tabs. Acid gel tabs are a popular way to experience psychedelic experiences. It is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen and is one of the most powerful synthetic substances available. They can be found as crystalline crystals, gems, and dismal fluid.

Acid Gel Tabs

Anecdotal reports suggest extreme bitterness indicates the presence of some NBOMe. This is not a great method, as it is both unreliable and can be an anxiety inducing way to begin an acid trip. For inexperienced users, the effects of LSD and shrooms are roughly the same, with the exception of a higher “body load” on shrooms.

how to make acid tabs at home

You’ll be using this container to nest your mixing container and prevent spillage or overflow, so make sure that it’s big enough to hold your test materials comfortably. For the purposes of this experiment, it will be easiest to use either sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate. All of these chemicals are readily available at any online chemistry supply store. Combine both solutions and bring the mixture to a boil.

How to Get Breast Reduction Covered by Insurance | Best Step-by-Step Guide

Pour the calcium chloride solution into the lemon juice solution and mix it thoroughly before getting a hot plate ready. Place the beaker on the hot plate and allow the solution to come to a boil. Shrooms also last for ~6 hours all up as opposed to ~12-18 hours, which is can be easier on the user and increases the chance you will be able to find a willing trip sitter. Trip sitters strongly increase safety and can also increase enjoyment by helping significantly shorten the duration of any anxiety.

The liquid that is filtered can be discarded, but keep the calcium citrate. Add 28.5 g (1.01 oz) of calcium chloride to 70 ml (0.30 c) of distilled water. Do this in a separate beaker from your lemon juice solution. Mix the two together in a small beaker, and stir it until all of the calcium chloride has been dissolved. Pour the solution through a coffee filter into another glass beaker. The coffee filter will separate the liquid from any solids that were produced by the reaction.

To make citric acid, start by putting on safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself from the chemicals. Then, pour lemon juice into a beaker and test its pH to make sure it's between 2 and 3 on the pH scale. Next, use an eyedropper to add sodium hydroxide into the juice until the mixture rises to a pH of 8 or 9.

Well it can expand your catalogue of wisdom immensely - but this does not come without a tremendous risk and possible price. And extra wisdom is not necessarily always a good thing, if you aren’t ready for it. Thinking about psychedelics always reminds me of the quote from Neitszche - “stare too long into the abyss and the abyss will stare back into you”. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any burning, swelling, itching, or irritation as a result of exposure to chemicals. If left untreated, chemical burns can lead to more serious symptoms, including shock. Set up an empty glass container and a condenser for distillation.

How do I take acid tabs properly

In the end you will have enough LSD to sell and make like 7 times what you spent. And post anyway you know how to get these chemicals or any success storys..... The solution for 2-3 hours while stirring occasionally.

how to make acid tabs at home

Please start with the above resources, even if you’re ready for treatment. Don’t trip again until you’ve completely integrated your previous trip into your life. While you’re on psychedelics, you’ll need to give up control and the desire to understand everything that is happening to you. Clinical research indicates you’re more likely to experience lasting benefits if you start low, instead of starting high. It’s also preferrable and possible to reduce the risk of having a bad trip. While not LSD, magic mushrooms are decently similar in effects and therapeutic potential to LSD.

Ankle Pain Running

This is a complicated question and no one could give you a simple answer to it. A round-bottom boiling flask is a must for this experiment. The curved surface and tapered mouth of the flask will prevent the evaporated nitric acid from escaping during the distillation process. A beaker that’s one or two sizes up should fit perfectly over your mixing container. You could also use a mason jar or other drinking container, provided it’s made of glass.

If you’re using a 250 mL beaker as your mixing container, you might place it in a 1,000 mL beaker in order to leave a sufficient amount of space. The ergot alkaloid is synthesized into a lysergic acid compound called iso-lysergic acid hydrazide, through the addition of chemicals and heating processes. Then the iso-lysergic acid hydrazide is isomerized, which means that the atoms in its molecules are rearranged through a chemical process. It's cooled, mixed with an acid and a base, and evaporated. What remains is iso-lysergic diethylamide, which is isomerized again to produce active LSD.

In fact, LSD itself may break down quickly when exposed to light. Acid Tabs makes organizing tabs ridiculously easy by automatically grouping tabs together based on customizable rules. It would soak through printer paper immediately and you would be very sad. Okay so I'm not fully sure in what way I'm supposed to take tabs. For severe burns, rinse the area with plenty of water as best as you can and go straight to the hospital. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

This doesn’t necessarily make you smarter, but it depends on how you’re defining the word ‘smart’. Copper isn’t cheap, especially if you’re just going to melt it down. Recycle your copper by adding small pieces of aluminum foil to the liquid copper waste, then straining it through a paper towel once it’s had a chance to dissolve. The solid bits left behind will be low-purity copper, which you can use for other experiments.

Simple Ways to Make Nitric Acid: 11 Steps with Pictures

Measure the acid in a graduated cylinder to ensure that you’re using just the right amount. Transfer the acid to the nitrate salt solution carefully, taking caution not to let it spill or splash. Swirl the contents of the container again to mix your chemical components. In the past, LSD was then made into tablets , simply dissolved in water or other liquids to be dropped or made into gelatin squares .

Many people are searching for how to make LSD in an easy step-by-step approach at home. And while this may seem like a simple request, most LSD produced today is from chemists in underground labs. Here I will give you an overview of what it takes to make LSD (D-folic acid). I think a metaphorical answer will be most appropriate for your question.

How would I make a tab of acid?

At that point, pour the mixture through a coffee filter into a beaker and repeat until you’ve removed any solids. In a separate beaker, mix together calcium chloride and distilled water, then combine it into the juice solution. Afterward, bring the mixture to a boil before separating out the calcium citrate using a coffee filter. With your calcium citrate separated, add just enough heavily diluted sulfuric acid to cover it and stir.

Users chew and then swallow the little bits of blotter paper. You can inject LSD, but it's not really necessary because it's so readily absorbed through oral means. Then, the drug's powerful effects quickly take hold. If it’s blotter paper, leave it on your tongue for 15 minutes then swallow it - though some say you don’t need to wait that long, I find it works consistently well.

How to Make Citric Acid

Both substances are easily absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Unlike the chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, they can't be found in fairly ordinary household items. If you want sublingual it goes under your tongue not on top.

how to make acid tabs at home

Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Filter the solution with water, forcing the citric acid through into a beaker. The calcium citrate has mostly converted to citric acid at this point, but it must be filtered from any impurities. The solution will be thick, so pour distilled water into the solution to help force the citric acid through. LSD gel tabs are similar to other psychedelic drugs, but they are different.

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The liquid filtered out will be near-pure citric acid. You will see the crystals start to form over time, but be careful not to disturb it. First of all, Acid Gel Tabs are a concentrated form of LSD. This form of acid is very potent and has a much longer shelf life than other acid doses.

how to make acid tabs at home

You’ll be using this container to nest your mixing container and prevent spillage or overflow, so make sure that it’s big enough to hold your test materials comfortably. For the purposes of this experiment, it will be easiest to use either sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate. All of these chemicals are readily available at any online chemistry supply store. Combine both solutions and bring the mixture to a boil.

You should not use these medications on children, as you can harm yourself or others. They can cause a severe allergic reaction, and may even be fatal. Re-dosings have little to no effect after these two hours. After this, you’ll need to keep your tablet in a refrigerator or other place where it won’t be affected by humidity. After a couple of hours, the blotter acid will start to work its magic on your body, and you’ll be feeling euphoric and in a better frame of mind.

how to make acid tabs at home

Sheets of blotting paper are then dipped into the LSD solution and dried. These sheets of blotter acid are usually printed with cartoon characters or other colorful graphics. The sheets are perforated into small squares, about a quarter of an inch (6.35 millimeters) wide. Each square is one dose, and a sheet can contain 900 doses.

On earths natural gravitational setup, molecular weight means squat if the molecule happens to be dissolved in H2O, a chemical of most amazing properties. I have known many people who can just take a tab of acid for recreation and have a great time with it. If this is you, then tripping will certainly not make you any smarter. If you take it seriously and are not using it for fun, then you could realise things and expand your perspective of life.

how to make acid tabs at home

If the coffee filter paper gets clogged, empty the liquid into a beaker, replace the coffee filter, and continue to pour the solution through the filter. It may take several attempts to fully filter the liquid. Wear safety goggles and gloves throughout the process.

This content has been created strictly for harm reduction purposes, and you should note that the only way to be perfectly safe using LSD is to not take it at all. The same is true with alcohol, skydiving, and sex - the only way to be perfectly safe in these activities is to not do them. When manufactured in liquid form as ammonium hydroxide, it becomes a household product with a variety of uses.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

6 Best At Home Permanent Laser & IPL Hair Removal 2022 Review

You will get the best results if you have fair skin and dark hair. The unit is lightweight to hold and therefore comfortable to hold for long periods of time, plus the trigger to initiate the flashes is comfortably placed on the handle for easy access. We love the white and metallic pink design, and it is also available in white and blue.

home laser system

Laser hair removal suits fairer skin best because there is less melanin in the skin to absorb the light energy. The light energy is therefore absorbed by the hairs, unless they are fair also. If your skin is too dark, the melanin in your skin cells will absorb the light, which can cause skin burns and may not result in hair reduction.

How we vet brands and products

While there are some cost-saving benefits to opting for an at-home laser hair removal device, finding one that can provide results on par with a professional treatment can be tricky. Factors like the number of flashes, skin type, safety and treatment area can have an impact on results. Not all devices are safe and effective for all skin tones or hair colors. Talk with a dermatologist to make sure the product is safe for you. They can provide tips for using the device and safety tips to prevent scarring.

home laser system

Run the official ITarget Phone App available on Android and Apple devices. If you are ordering multiple systems, you will not see the FedEx express option at checkout. You need to break up your order into separate orders and pay for FedEx Express for each order. Our kit came with an extra precision cartridge designed for smaller areas such as the upper lip and underarm, however, this appears not to be available in every Infini’Silk Pro kit. There seems to be local variations so watch out if you buy this kit. We also liked that it came with a good-quality Gillette razor to prepare for treatments.

Buying guide for Best laser hair removal systems

The best at-home laser hair removal devices cover a variety of areas on the face and body. While no downtime is required with this procedure, you’ll want to avoid direct sunlight for several days after using a laser hair removal device. Now that you have your preferred laser hair removal device, you’ll want to do the necessary preparation before use. Make sure the device is fully charged and read the safety instructions.

home laser system

You should run your device over the entire treatment area before repeating the process several times . We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best products—learn more about our process. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission. Lauren Balsamo is deputy beauty director at Cosmopolitan, where she writes, edits, and produces all types of beauty content—from product reviews to personal essays and trend reports.

A Best-Selling Hair Removal Tool For The Face And Body

For anyone with hair and skin that aren’t all the same color, a good feature to look for is a skin sensor. We place high value on this safety feature, as it can help prevent injury during hair removal. We look at corded laser systems and battery-operated hair removal systems, noting the pros and cons of each in our research. Model's unique technology uses high-speed pulses of light to permanently remove undesired hair. Laser hair removal clinics often requires multiple appointments over the span of 1-2 years before the hair is gone for good, which could end up costing you thousands of dollars in the long run.

home laser system

The number of treatments you need depends on the device and your individual hair growth. Light brown to white skin tones.MiSMON Laser Hair Removal$239Not suitable for lip areaBlack to brown hair. When you pull the trigger during live fire, the gun fires, and the slide of the semi-automatic handgun makes the full cycle in about 1/20 of the second. Trying to hold the gun sturdy during that time was called "anticipating recoil," a common mistake among newbies. You make the same mistake during the "laser fire," even if the slide is not moving. There is no practical reason to keep the gun sturdy AFTER the trigger breaks.

Treatment window

Because the laser or light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, there must be a contrast between the color of your skin and the color of your hair. Thus, the best candidates for laser hair removal are those who have light skin and dark hair. In a laser hair removal treatment, an electronic wand focuses a concentrated beam of light on specific hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, destroying the follicle enough to slow hair growth in that area. We love this adjustable device from Silk'N because of its small, portable size and powerful technology.

We research the possible side effects of using the top laser hair removal systems on the market. The most common side effect is mild redness, which usually goes away on its own. We note the user-friendliness of the owner’s manual when evaluating various laser hair removal systems. Device has unlimited flashes, so no replacements are needed as is the case is other devices. After your laser hair removal session, make sure you use sun protection and avoid tanning booths. You also want to avoid hot showers and baths and wearing makeup and deodorant in the treated areas for 48 hours.

Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?

The same principles can be applied to other gun manipulations like reloads, switching between guns for multi-gun matches, and to moving into, out of, and between positions. Health insurance typically doesn’t cover the cost of professional laser hair removal. Some laser hair removal systems feature an LED display with visual alerts that allow you to use the device more effectively. If your hair and skin tone aren’t suitable for laser hair removal, using a system can be extremely painful and potentially injure your skin.

home laser system

Keep in mind that it’s smaller than its pricier counterparts, so it’s best for treating concentrated areas . It uses the brand’s Home Pulsed Light technology to go beneath the skin’s surface to get at hair follicles with a touch of a button. You can use it anywhere on the body, and the best part is that it’s painless. Plus, you only need to do the treatment every other week for the first five sessions and then once a month for maintenance.

ORA Iluminage Touch 4ever Home Permanent Hair Removal IPL & Radio Frequency System (FDA-Cleared)

However, it supports an excellent exercise of target acquisition, breathing, and trigger control. Use single or multiple targets provided by LASERHIT or your targets in any size and shape. If you have dark skin and dark hair or light skin and blonde hair, there usually isn’t enough contrast between the two for laser hair removal to work. Gender isn’t a factor; it works just as well for people of all genders. Keep in mind that laser hair removal only works on certain types of body hair, such as on the face, legs, arms, underarms, and pubic area. We compare laser hair removal systems with intense pulsed light systems.

home laser system

The 10 Best At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices of 2022

However, it does not specify which hair and skin tones it is suitable for, so if you don’t have the optimum dark hair and fair skin, choose another model, just to be sure. With unlimited treatments and FDA clearance to work on all skin tones, there’s a lot to love about this Me Sleek laser device. Coolest & Exciting Simulated Battle - Up to 4 teams can play in this battle! Bright colors, Flashing light and Realistic sound make for deeply immersive gameplay. Skillfully switch weapons Pistol, Laser Gun, Shot Gun, Machine Gun, and Submachine Gun to win the battle more easily. Meeting shooting needs and making the laser tag game more interesting and real.

home laser system

It is shaped similarly to the Braun Silk Expert, so it is comfortable to hold, but not quite so easy to reach tricky areas. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no cost to you. Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy. The frequencies used by an at-home IPL device might cause a skin reaction on the skin that is covered by a tattoo. Rachel Ward, MD, is a dermatologist and a Cleveland Clinic practitioner.

Best for sensitive skin

Each treatment takes just minutes - 8 minutes for the leg, 6 minutes for the back, and 1 minute for the face. Powered by patented hair removal technology, it allows for unlimited treatments and work on all skin tones, even on blondes and redheads. If you have sensitive skin, make sure you choose an at-home laser hair removal device that has a wide range of treatment modes; in particular, an extra-gentle or sensitive mode. It may take more treatments to get the same results using this setting, but you will find the sessions more tolerable. It takes multiple treatments and often a few top-up sessions as well, so you need patience. If you are having professional laser hair removal, you need a big budget.

home laser system

The SmoothSkin Pure hair removal device comes highly recommended by hundreds of happy and satisfied customers. Not only that, if you're new to hair removal devices, you can rest easy knowing that this one is FDA-cleared and will get the job done considering it's the most powerful hair removal device around. Not only that, the device has three treatment modes, 10 settings to control the intensity, and a skin sensor. This Tria device is clinically proven to reduce hair growth with each use. You can use it all over the body, but keep in mind that it has a small laser cap that makes it especially ideal for targeting smaller areas like the bikini line and upper lip. You can select five different energy levels for your treatment, and if you’re not one of the thousands of people who love the results, you can return it for a full refund.

PowerMedic PowerLaser Basic 500

This laser device from MiSMON is surprisingly affordable for what it is. Featuring a range of energy levels and a screen that tells you how many flashes are left (it comes pre-loaded with 300,000 flashes), it’s easy to customize to your needs. The easy hand-held grip makes it a cinch to use on legs, arms, armpits, butt, and thebikini areaas well. Keep reading to discover the best at-home laser hair removal devices. The best thing about this at-home hair removal device is that it's really comfortable.

To remove the guesswork and help you decide which device is the best choice for you, we have spent over 50 hours researching, testing and reviewing the best at-home laser hair removal products. Keep reading our reviews to see how the different products compared. Over the years,Emily Algarhas experienced and spoken to dozens of experts in the permanent hair-removal treatment space, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. For this feature, she has borrowed the expertise of two professionals to break down the how's and what’s of at-home laser hair removal. According to cosmetic chemist and beauty educator Michelle Wong, laser hair removal works on the premise that dark colors absorb light . The light from the laser then heats the hair follicle to a point where it becomes damaged, resulting in no growth at all or hair that’s much finer.

Replacement cartridges

Before you start shopping, it's important to understand how at-home laser hair removal devices work in order to find the one that suits your skin tone and hair color. Laser hair removal devices use light to find and heat the hair follicle, burning it at the root and preventing it from growing more hair during the next hair cycle. Some lasers have difficulty telling the difference between dark hair and melanated skin, which is why those with dark skin tones should seek our IPL hair removal devices. These devices use multiple wavelengths to detect the hair follicle, whereas laser uses one wavelength. IPL devices are generally safer for those with deeper skin tones who want to remove unwanted hair. The combination of IPL and radiofrequency allows almost anyone to benefit from the permanent hair reduction results.

home laser system

With its slender shape and small round head, this device makes zapping unwanted hair on your body and face a breeze. It uses the safest, fastest and most advanced IPL technology to reduce hair in as little as four weeks. Plus, it has a safety sensor to measure your skin tone before each flash, only activating if it’s safe. Delivering up to 100 flashes per minute, each treatment of your desired area takes about 10 minutes to complete. The Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X is the only at-home laser hair removal device on our list that actually uses laser technology; all of the other devices are IPL hair removal devices. The Tria Beauty Hair Removal 4X is the first and only FDA-cleared at-home laser device designed to treat and remove unwanted hair.

MedX Home unit and one 1000mW SLD Cluster with Medical Grade Power Supply.

It uses a multi-spectrum bulb to zap and permanently reduce hair, which makes it less painful than laser devices. For this reason, we love it for the sensitive skin around the bikini area. The FDA has approved this device, and the brand guarantees permanent results within eight weeks. You used to have to visit a dermatologist for laser hair removal. While our experts still recommend seeing a professional, you might consider advanced at-home laser hair removal devices you can use at your own convenience. It’s best to purchase a laser hair removal system that features as least three power settings to provide you with the most control over the treatments.

It works by invigorating your circulation and stimulating your scalp tissues. This helps reinvigorate and encourage hair growth in weak cells. The Advanced Firing Range setup is designed for experienced users. It is suitable for all kinds of firearms, from handguns to semi-auto or sniper rifles. Advanced setup lets you focus on shooting fundamentals with advanced instrumental measurements.

Even if stay on top of appointments and finish your course of treatments, you inevitably have to go back at least once a year for touch-up treatments to maintain your results. The iTarget cube is the next generation of home firearm training devices, allowing you to shoot at multiple targets with an iTarget laser bullet. You can use your home laser hair removal as often as you want, but we recommend no more than once every two weeks to give your skin a good chance to recover in between. This puts skin tones into 6 categories, based on how much pigment is present in the skin. If you have pale skin, you will be given a score of I, while if you have very dark skin, which contains much more melanin, you have a score of VI. The general cartridge has a skin tone sensor which measures your skin tone both at the beginning of your hair removal session and occasionally throughout.

home laser system

The Basic Firing Range setup is designed to start your training quickly. It is suitable for all kinds of firearms or laser training devices. Basic Setup will let you focus on shooting fundamentals while getting familiar with the system. You can practice with full-size or scaled targets in simulated distances up to 160 yards (approx. 150 meters) in your home environment.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty coming to Game Pass

We will also gather input from the “fourth parties,” the intermediary data brokers that facilitate data transfers. The CFPB is subject to a rulemaking step that is unique among financial regulators. Before issuing a proposed rule, the CFPB must convene a panel of small businesses that represent their markets to provide input on our proposals. This week, we will be publicly releasing a discussion guide that small firms can weigh in on. For example, in telecommunications, the open internet, powered by protocols, like the hypertext transfer protocol, helped to create a new worldwide web. Of course, many actors have sought to obtain, and in some cases successfully grabbed, more control.

Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal is key to the company’s mobile gaming efforts. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. Financial regulators have largely complied with what dominant incumbents desire by writing complicated rules to fit existing business models. Much of it involves financial institutions handing consumers a lot of fine print that they may not even read, like those financial privacy notices companies send.

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Finally, financial companies can find new ways to underwrite and score with less bias. Today, many companies are now exploring new underwriting models that return to core principles – assessing ability to repay without attempting to use outside information to model a consumer’s presumed ability to repay. Ideally, these rules are bright lines that require a minimal number of lawyers who bill by the hour.

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The FDIC initiated an educational campaign to get more Americans to open an account to enable the direct deposit of those funds. And banks such as Capital One and Ally Financial ended overdraft and other fees that have been a key barrier to some Americans accessing the banking system. In closing, it is important to remind ourselves about why the United States has historically been a bastion of discovery and progress.

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Threats to openness have come from browsers, operating systems, app stores, infrastructure providers, and others that already have scale or provide a must-have component. People would feel secure knowing that both the data holder and the data receiver follow secure practices. For Americans to be confident that they have the consumer financial product that is right for them and their specific needs, they should be able to share their data readily, but safely.

The provisions provide for personal financial data rights for Americans, but would only have teeth after the CFPB defined the specifics through rules. Importantly, a more open market will also make sure consumers won’t have to start from scratch. For example, Americans often use their deposit account history as a life ledger – it is a written record that keeps track of payments and deposits, which can be helpful for taxes, for disputes with merchants, or insurers, and for other purposes.

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This disagreement has spilled out into a public war of words between Sony’s PlayStation chief and Microsoft’s head of Xbox, but the real conflict is happening behind closed doors. Epic eventually called on Microsoft to help argue its case in court, and Microsoft cranked up the pressure on Apple with some significant Windows store changes days ahead of the Epic v. Apple trial last year. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Platform engineering is an emerging technology approach that could accelerate the delivery of applications by improving developer experience. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Assure application performance with smarter resource managementfrom IBM Turbonomic.

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Data can be monetized in nefarious ways or even used by state and non-state actors. While Americans are becoming numb to routine data breaches, including massive ones like the Equifax failure, we know that more needs to be done to stop this underworld from intercepting even more highly sensitive personal data. Fourth, more switching would lead to greater efforts by firms to maintain or win customer loyalty. Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Xbox Game Pass is also at the heart of the ongoing battles between Microsoft and Sony over Call of Duty. Sony is arguing that Microsoft could take Call of Duty away from PlayStation entirely, while Microsoft says that wouldn’t make business sense.

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Because of the authorized data, companies will immediately know the products and services that could best fit their new customers’ needs. While we expect to cover more products over time, we are starting with these ones. Through these transaction accounts, the rule will be able to facilitate new approaches to underwriting, payment services, personal financial management, income verification, account switching, and comparison shopping. One reason that the current ecosystem is unstable is that many companies currently access consumer data through activities like screen scraping. However, such methods are not secure, and they are likely not sustainable, especially as data security standards potentially evolve to a point that such activities may become blocked.

A more open ecosystem that is broadly inclusive of both consumers and businesses holds great promise. Our rulemaking will not turn on a switch, but I hope it will move us in that direction. There will undoubtedly be similar efforts when it comes to open banking and finance, potentially from Big Tech firms or a consortium of incumbents.

Microsoft still hopes to close this deal out by spring 2023, but there’s a good chance we have months of battles ahead — as well as the opportunity to gain rare insights, as with these mobile plans, into the secret ambitions of the gaming industry. Unfortunately, the footnote ends there, so there's not much in the way of detail about what these restrictions are or how long they'd remain in effect in a potential post-acquisition world. Given COD's continued non-appearance on Game Pass, you've got to imagine the restrictions are fairly significant if they're not an outright block on COD coming to the service. “The intent here is not to be charging for MyChart messages,” Patel said, noting that patients aren’t charged for quick queries, such as those about scheduling an appointment, following up after an in-person appointment, or needing a medication refill. Additionally, last year, homes where the head of household was out of work were nearly five times more likely to not have a bank account as compared to those where the household head was employed.

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“It really disadvantages, disproportionately, and harms the very people who can afford it the least,” she said. Health system leaders say most messages remain free, and they’re only billing for questions that require more than a few minutes of a doctor’s time and that, in the past, would likely have merited an in-person visit. Locally, NorthShore University HealthSystem began billing for some types of messages sent over its patient portal, NorthShoreConnect, earlier this month. Nationally, the Cleveland Clinic generated headlines this month when it announced it would start billing for some communications. Chris Beck, subject of a memoir and documentary on his transition to becoming Kristin Beck, faulted the mental health care he...

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However, the CMA has barely discussed the potential for Microsoft’s entrance into mobile gaming as part of its investigation and is instead largely focusing on console gaming, which Microsoft argues is an increasingly smaller part of the overall market. In a graph posted at Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard acquisition site, the company depicts the entire gaming market as worth $165 billion in 2020, with consoles making up $33 billion , PCs at $40 billion , and mobile gaming at $85 billion . The irony of Sony making deals like this one while fretting about COD's future on PlayStation probably isn't lost on Microsoft's lawyers, which is no doubt part of why they brought it up to the CMA. “This is yet again the big business of health care finding ways to profit at every angle on patients,” said Cynthia Fisher, founder and chairman of Patient Rights Advocate, a Massachusetts-based advocacy group that’s been watching the trend.

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We are at our best when our laws and rules facilitate seamless switching, reduce barriers to entry, eliminate conflicts of interest, and prevent infrastructure providers from denying access to critical networks. We are exploring ways to ensure that when consumers share their data for a specific use, that is the only use it will be used for. We know this will be a challenge, given how difficult it is to enforce restrictions, like purpose limitations and data deletion requirements. Starting here will also mean that our jumping-off point is where industry infrastructure for consumer-authorized financial data sharing has already begun to take shape. Rather than rely on black-box models that people can’t make sense of, lending can move back to real-world data about someone’s ability to pay back a loan.

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We understand that you’re looking for more than just a manufactured or modular home– you’re looking for a place to call home. Search our list of America’s best manufactured housing communities near you and discover neighborhoods and lifestyles that meet your needs. See available amenities, photos, videos,mobile homes for sale, and nearby businesses on any mobile home park. All of our parks are conveniently labeled as an all ages community or a 55+ community. If outdoor recreational activity is more to your liking, living in Sunvilla Estates won't disappoint you!

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YP advertisers receive higher placement in the default ordering of search results and may appear in sponsored listings on the top, side, or bottom of the search results page. Sun Villa Estates, located in beautiful Reno, provides residents with breathtaking community living beneath a gorgeous sky that shines more than 300 days of the year. Situated only minutes from Lake Tahoe, and just West of the North-South Freeway, the community sits 500′ above Reno/Sparks. Many of our home sites overlook the downtown area, which sparkles at night like a vessel filled with precious jewels. We have remained firmly planted in upholding our heritage of designing and handcrafting the world's best patio furniture.

Las Vegas Meadows Active 55+ Resort

The region has over 15 world-class ski resorts, more than 40 public and private golf courses and numerous fishing, hiking and biking trails. Be sure to check out Whitewater Park, featuring 11 drop pools and boulders for kayaking, rafting and canoeing on the Truckee River. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria. “Preferred” listings, or those with featured website buttons, indicate YP advertisers who directly provide information about their businesses to help consumers make more informed buying decisions.

sun villa manufactured homes

Fill out the form below to send a message to this community and request more information on this park or schedule a tour. Sun Villa Estates offers the best of everything for you and your family – all underneath a gorgeous blue sky. Too many emotionally disturbed older women.The manager and the parks' maintenance man very good,but the disturbed women need to be thrown out. With designs you won't find anywhere else, we have spent over a decade dedicating and mastering our capabilities to produce simply the finest patio furniture available. The most expensive home for sale in Amsterdam, Netherlands is a 373 sqm house with a listing price of €13,065,916.

Listing Reference

What once started as a small company crafting handmade patio umbrellas, we've expanded our assortment to producing stylish outdoor seating and dining sets to furnish your entire backyard living room. From exceptional craftsmanship to our personal service, there are many reasons for choosing Skyline for your next home. For nearly a decade, SunVilla has been designing and creating Simply Refined outdoor furniture. We've made it our mission to offer premium outdoor patio furniture at an unmatched value.

Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, MHVillage Inc. is the nation’s premier online marketplace for buying and selling manufactured homes with more than 25 million unique visitors annually. Last year, more than 80,000 homes were sold on MHVillage with a combined transaction value exceeding $3 billion. Homes for sale in Amsterdam, Netherlands have an average listing price of €2,318,630 and range in price between €673,150 and €13,861,923.

Our Homes Know the difference between manufactured vs. modular, factory-built vs. site-built. Careers We invite you to explore the possibility of a rewarding career with Skyline Homes. America's Most Trusted 2021 & 2022 Skyline was awarded America's Most Trusted for Manufactured Home Builder for 2021 & 2022. Knowing your area’s climate zone (as assigned by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building America Program into one of eight zones), can help you predict your heating and cooling needs.

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